George Hatalowich

George Hatalowich

Inspired by a high school friend and teammate who was impacted by rare diseases, George, a Wildcats’ linebacker was motivated to help the Rare Disease Community through the Davidson Wildcats football program.  George’s passion and commitment to the cause led him to...
Anthony Lotti

Anthony Lotti

Anthony made the selfless decision to sign up to donate his bone marrow through Penn’s “Be The Match” program. While studying for finals in April of 2019, he found out he was a match with a leukemia patient and he arranged to donate his bone marrow over the summer...
Josh Paschal

Josh Paschal

Diagnosed with a rare malignant melanoma on the bottom of his right foot in July of 2018, Josh, the Wildcats’ defensive standout, faced a year-long battle. Josh endured three surgeries and a year-long treatment protocol of monthly immunotherapy treatments and missed...