The former Austin Peay State University Offensive Coordinator and current University of Kansas Assistant Coach has a daughter, Landrey, who is the first known person in the United States to be diagnosed with a rare mutation of the CSNK2B gene.
Landrey battles myoclonic epilepsy, intellectual disability, a congenital heart defect, and immunodeficiency. She spent the first 73 days of her life critically ill on life support, enduring major open heart surgery and surviving four codes. Until the age of four, Landrey was critically or acutely ill 40 percent of her life. She’s battled through 15 hospitalizations and there is no cure for this condition.
Coach Eargle is tenacious, unfortunately, mostly due to the battle he endures. Eargle’s strength and unrelenting fight is a calming presence to his daughter, and his calm under extreme pressure allows their family to have a laser focus on their mission rooted in inspiring others through faith, hope and joy.