Uplifting Experiences

A deliberate and coordinated effort to connect people impacted by rare diseases with an athlete, team, or sports organization for a unique and memorable experience.

Inspire Hope And Joy Through The Power Of Sport

By referring a family to an Uplifting Experience you can help make a difference in the lives of people impacted by rare disease!

    Primary Contact Information



    Does the primary contact have a rare disease?

    Classification of Rare Disease


    Additional Attendees Information

    Does this person have a rare disease?

    Classification of Rare Disease


    Accessibility Needs & Additional Accommodations

    Does anyone attending have accessibility needs:

    Does anyone have dietary needs or restrictions?

    Do you need ADA seating and/or parking??

    Does anyone experience sensory overwhelm?

    Are any service animals attending?


    Media/Photo Consent

    Do you give permission for photos and videos to be taken during the event?

    Do you give permission for photos and videos to be used in marketing materials?


    Additional Notes

    Additional Comments or Requests (optional)