Western MichiganChapter Established in 2018 Life Time Total:$7,000.50 Uplifting Athletes’ Mission Harness the power of sport to build a community that invests in the lives of people impacted by rare diseases. Current Chapter Leaders Mission: Harness the power of sport to build a community that invests in the lives of people impacted by rare diseases. Vision: No person impacted by a rare disease feels alone and everyone is inspired with hope for the future. About UsAbout Uplifting Athletes Key Leadership College Chapters Our Why Our Commitment Our Partners Contact Us Our Programs Rare Disease ResearchYoung Investigator Draft Uplifting ExperiencesUplifting Experiences Rare Disease AwarenessMy Cause, My Cleats Rare Disease Champion Uplifting News/UA Blog Uplifting LeadersLift For Life Reps for Rare Diseases Touchdown Pledge Drive UA Ambassadors Team UA Fundraising Initiatives Sorry, No posts.