Colgate Football Spring Practice

Event Details

Uplifting Athletes is excited to invite rare individuals and families to attend Colgate Football’s Spring Practice on Sunday, April 13, 2025, at 1:30 PM ET at Andy Kerr Stadium! This event will include exclusive access to watch spring practice, a meet and greet with Colgate football players, t-shirts, and more! Andy Kerr Stadium is ADA accessible. This Uplifting Experience is inclusive and accommodates individuals of all ages and abilities.

Contact us at with any questions or concerns. 

Event Date: Sunday, April 13, 2025 at 1:30pm ET

Event Address: Andy Kerr Stadium, 13 Oak Dr, Hamilton, NY 13346

    Primary Contact Information



    Does the primary contact have a rare disease?

    Classification of Rare Disease


    Additional Attendees Information

    Does this person have a rare disease?

    Classification of Rare Disease


    Accessibility Needs & Additional Accommodations

    Does anyone attending have accessibility needs:

    Does anyone have dietary needs or restrictions?

    Do you need ADA seating and/or parking??

    Does anyone experience sensory overwhelm?

    Are any service animals attending?


    Media/Photo Consent

    Do you give permission for photos and videos to be taken during the event?

    Do you give permission for photos and videos to be used in marketing materials?


    Additional Notes

    Additional Comments or Requests (optional)